Monday, October 12, 2009

Tumbling? Always Knew it Wasn't For Me

Tumbling and gymnastics may have never been for me, but man did I have a blast in that gym!!! No worries, I'm fine. It looks worse than it was. :) Love you mom!


embeesea said...

Oh, what a relief. Pictures are so helpful. Of course you're fine. What am I going to do when you are halfway around the world? Loves, Mom...

Kevin said...

Did you wake up alive today?

I hope that you checked the box on your mission papers that said, "Prone to accidents involving lots of blood."

Wait, this isn't an early Halloween prank is it?

Okie said...

looks like a good bit of Halloween makeup...shame it's real, but if you could somehow keep the look for another ~3 weeks you'd be set. ;)