Thursday, January 15, 2009

Schedule Change!!

School schedules are great aren't they? I just went through some changes, and, well, I thought I'd share.
Here is what I was taking 1st semester:
A1: AP Statistics B1: Seminary
A2: Government/Citizenship B2: AP World History
A3: Anatomy/Physiology B3: Chemistry
A4: Ancient Mythology B4: Chinese

Here's my new schedule: 
A1: AP Statistics B1: Financial Literacy
A2: Creative Writing B2: Seminary
A3: Anatomy/Physiology B3: Chemistry
A4: Release Time (Free period)B4: Release Time (Free period)

Just in case you were wondering, release time for me means I get to go home around noon every day. Sigh... It's AWESOME!!! Of course there's work, searching for scholarships, and everything else your mom makes you do when you have too much time on your hands.
I was really sad to see AP World History and Chinese go, but I had to for the extra time. I need to save my money for college, you see. Although those classes are gone, I am happy to see Creative Writing come on the scene. Nothing like every writing assignment you get and totally get full credit!! It's just plain amazing to be able to write whatever the heck I want, HOWever the heck I want and get full credit. I hate English class...

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